Happy Birthday

July 22nd


We're grateful you're here to play this game of life with us.

And we're excited you're here on our website. It's the fulfillment of our purpose to share this ancient Knowledge with you. So, thank you for participating in our joy!

Because you are born on the date of July 22nd, it means you are born to play the 6 of Clubs. 

This date is also on the astrological cusp of Cancer and Leo. If your astrological sign is Cancer, then your personality will be indicated by the 8 of Hearts. If, on the other hand, you're born into the sign of Leo, then your personality will be indicated by the 6 of Clubs.

The 6 of Clubs is the primary pattern of your life. It is like your Avatar. It's your entrance token to the game of your life.

Either the 6 of Clubs or 8 of Hearts is the secondary pattern of your life. It reflects your outward personality and may rule your behavior.

Famous people born on July 22nd

All of these people were born to play the 6 of Clubs like you. They share the same life path as you. 

Notice the recurring themes in their lives.


Emma Lazarus

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

American poet and activist who wrote 'The New Colossus', a sonnet whose lines appear on a bronze plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, placed in 1903: "... Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free / ... I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Edward Hopper

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

American realist painter known to be stoic and fatalistic in his demeanor and in his painting style, for his finely calculated renderings of American life; perhaps his best known painting is titled "Nighthawks"


Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 6 of Clubs

Matriarch of the Kennedy family; she gave birth to nine children including president John F. Kennedy and Senators Bobby Kennedy and Ted Kennedy; her husband Joseph Kennedy was regularly unfaithful to her and because of her strict Irish Catholic beliefs, she believed divorce was not an option, and so instead relied heavily on medication to tranquilize herself


Alexander Calder

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

Acclaimed and prolific American sculptor who invented the sculptures known as 'mobiles' where delicately balanced or suspended shapes move in response to touch or air currents; his parents did not want him to become an artist, so he studied mechanical engineering and only later gravitated back to his first love: art, developing art that consciously departed from the traditional notion of the art work as a static object


Amy Vanderbilt

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

American socialite who became an authority on etiquette when in 1952 she published the best-selling book Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette; she died under mysterious circumstances when she fell, jumped, or was pushed from the second story of her townhouse


Karl Menninger

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

Psychiatrist who with his brother and father co-founded the Menninger Foundation because "we had a vision of a better kind of medicine and a better kind of world;" the Foundation became famous in the 1960s for its study of yoga and Eastern consciousness as tools for psychiatric healing


Alex Trebek

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

Host of the syndicated game show "Jeopardy!" whose name became synonymous with knowing the answer


Danny Glover

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

American actor who is also an active humanitarian and civil rights activist


Alan Menken

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

Award-winning composer who has written the music for such films as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Pocahontas


Willem Dafoe

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

Acclaimed American actor known for his distinctive gravelly voice and intense persona; he avoids eating meat "because animal farms are one of the main causes of the destruction of the planet" and he practices ashtanga yoga every day


Selena Gomez

Born to play the 6 of Clubs / 8 of Hearts

American actress and singer


Your Name Goes Here

Born to play the 6 of Clubs

What will it look like for you to play your cards right? What will you be remembered for?

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