8 of Spades 

8 of Spades Meaning Cartomancy

Eight of Spades

Playing the game of an Eight you carry the energy of power, healing, grace, and force. 

Playing the game of a Spade you bring this energy to everything you believe and everything you do. 

It means that your game in life is to shape what we believe and what we do. Yours is the power to envision comprehensive solutions and then execute your vision with graceful finesse.  

How To Read This Page

Above in the banner images, the left side image (top image if you're viewing it on a phone) is a visual expression of when you may be Off Your Game.

The right side banner image (bottom image on your phone) is a visual representation of what's possible for you when you're On Your Game.

And below is an introductory list of experiences you may have in four important areas of your life when you are either...

  • On Your Game -- expressing it positively in your life
  • Off Your Game -- expressing it negatively in your life

8 of Spades: Effortlessly tuned in

8 of Spades: Personal Patterns

  • Effortlessly attuned to and aware of the higher truth that enfolds other truths within it
  • Decisive and clear; able to make bold, confident decisions easily
  • Sucking all the oxygen out of the room with a self-serving agenda
  • Unconsciously bursting through social situations like an interrupting tornado
  • Seeking out confrontation and even relishing the opportunity for confrontation
  • Stuck inside an intertwining loop of cynical and pessimistic assumptions
  • Consciously choosing to harmonize your life with grace and finesse
  • And much more...
8 of Spades Meaning Cartomancy: Loyal Partner

8 of Spades: Relationship Patterns

  • A rock-solid and faithful partner who values your relationships
  • A harmonious and soothing presence for those around you
  • Making yourself into a martyr whose only job in life is to care for loved ones
  • Taking it upon yourself to try to try to pull the strings that control the happiness of others
  • Mentally fixated on a "woe-is-me" story, thinking "no-one cares about me"
  • Irrational fears of abandonment block healthy relationship dynamics
  • Acting as a leader within your relationship to initiate and authorize growth
  • And much more...
Eight of Spades - Vibration

8 of Spades: Career Patterns

  • A powerhouse with indomitable energy and unstoppable force
  • An outstanding work ethic and easily working your way to success
  • Overworking yourself to the point of not even taking enough time to breathe
  • Believing that only through more and harder work will you succeed
  • Abusing your power and even deliberately, sadistically bullying others into submission
  • Hidden fears can become paranoia, which clouds your clarity and blocks forward progress
  • Consciously choosing to labor with love and to infuse love into your labor 
  • And much more...
8 of Spades: Construct Your Own Well-Being

8 of Spades: Health & Wellbeing Patterns

  • Enjoying a naturally robust and dynamic physical wellbeing
  • Gifted as a healer; naturally able to offer healing to others
  • Constricting your own wellbeing in your attempts to control the wellbeing of others
  • Sabotaging your mental wellbeing with constant hypothetical "what-if "scenarios
  • Terrible work/life balance; stuck in work-mode all the time
  • Making yourself physically ill with worry and stress
  • Bringing conscious awareness to every aspect of your life brings a lightness of being
  • And much more...

It's All In The Cards!  

Was that mind-blowing or what?

Maybe a little confronting?

And totally amazing?


If what you just read about yourself didn’t fully resonate, try this: ask someone who knows you well to read the above list and see if they think it accurately portrays you.

And... would you believe this is just the beginning of what The Source Cards reveal about your life?

Next Steps To Play Your Cards Right

The wise person knows the Self and plays the game of life. But the fool lives in the world like a beast of burden.

~ Ashtavakra Gita (4:1)