Here It Is On A Silver Platter 

Your Guide To Living The Life That Will Satisfy Your Soul 


An Easy-to-Follow Five-Week Self-Study Program That Shows You How to Play Your Cards Right, From Darkness To Light

The life direction you've always wished for... as if you could have your guardian angel give you the master key to unlock the life to dream to live.

If you are yearning to move forward and live your best life.

But the problem is you don't know what that looks like or how to get there.

And without a clear map to guide you forward, you're stuck spinning your wheels, feeling discontent, anxious, and incomplete.

Then this unique, one-of-a-kind program is for you.

The Master Key to Unlock Your Soul-Satisfying Reality

Step Through An Inner Doorway into Personal Fulfillment, Career Satisfaction, and Loving Relationships

The Guide To Living Program is distilled from years of miraculous (yes, we said miraculous) results with our one-on-one clients.

This program is based on a proven methodology that transforms your life from the inside out. 

And because of our passion to reach more people with this game-changing knowledge, we distilled the nuggets of wisdom you need to play your cards right and packed them into this five-week program that you can do on your own, in your own time.

It took seven years of intensive work together with our students to create these 52 custom-made programs, each Guide to Living program specifically tailored for each Source Card. Each program is designed to initiate a profound inner transformation, so you can unlock the inner reality that transforms your outer reality, too.

As always, may you live your life like it's your favorite game to play.

with all our love,
Alexander & Viki


The Inner Transformation You Can Expect...

As you read through, absorb, integrate and activate the information contained in your Guide to Living Programs, you can expect...

  • Eye-opening awareness that illuminates your blind spots, so that instead of worrying obsessively about whether or not you might be missing something, you can make confident, clear decisions
  • A deep inner cleaning of the cobwebs around your heart, so that instead of unconsciously resisting intimacy, you can gently open your heart like a flower to receive romance and relationship
  • A big sigh of relief that allows you to relax into your own skin, so that instead of stressfully spinning your wheels trying to be someone you are not, you can honor yourself and say Yes to yourself

The bottom line is that knowing how to play your cards right transforms your awareness of yourself and your life, which you will discover, automatically transforms you into a more confident, peaceful, healthier, loving, self-empowered version of yourself.

Concrete, Tangible, And Sometimes Miraculous Results

Based on their inner-transformation from learning how to play their cards right, here are some of the real-life results people have realized...

  • Chronic "incurable" health problems just disappeared 
  • After many years of cynical desperation, finding her soulmate and getting married in a fairytale wedding
  • As a small business owner, finally hitting her one-million dollar annual revenue goal
  • After countless dieting struggles, losing weight without even trying
  • Saving a marriage that seemed utterly hopeless, even after marriage counseling had also proven futile
  • Following years of silent resentment, effortlessly breaking through the "glass ceiling" to become a female C-suite executive

Please Note: the results from your inner-transformation will vary, but as you begin to play your cards right, the results you get in your life will be exactly what's right for you. 


Learn How to Play Your Birth Card & Your Personality Card Right in Your Guide to Living Self-Study Programs

Your Birth Card is your primary energy template in this lifetime. It represents your primary life's purpose, why you're here, and the gift you're here to give.

Learning how to play your Birth Card right means you will discover your perfect inner guidance, clarify your life, and satisfy your soul.

Your Personality Card is your secondary template. It's the outer layer of who you are. And so, it's often how people perceive you and define you. In fact, it's a pattern that may rule your behavior.

Learning how to play your Personality Card right means you will transform your relationships, activate your talent, and integrate your personal power.

If you don't know your Birth Card & Personality Card, look them up on our home page.

Your Guide To Living: A Five Week Self-Study Program To Help You Master The Game Of Your Life

Week 1: Dive in

The Source Cards: on your game/off your game

  • Bring conscious awareness to unconscious patterns, so instead of wondering why your life happens the way it does and feeling powerless to change it, you can recognize the patterns of your life as your own creation. Review and reflect on a bullet-pointed list of On Your Game or Off Your Game (about 13 pages for each card) that reveal the full range of positive and negative patterns for that card.

  • Gain an everyday template you can use for your whole life. Reflect on how you are creating both the negative and the positive patterns of your life.

  • Receive our expert written guidance about how to integrate this knowledge and consciously activate your desired reality.

Week 2: Pick up the keys

The Source Cards: coaching keys

  • Get the silver bullets of diamond-cutting truth to penetrate your brain fog, cut through your consuming doubts, and give you laser-sharp clarity. Receive a couple paragraphs of content describing in detail each of the Three Keys to play your Birth Card right. (And there are also Three Keys to play your Personality Card right.)

  • Learn how to use these three keys. Get detailed instructions on how to unlock the unborn life that's scratching at the inside of your soul begging to be born into reality.

  • Utilize them. These keys work to unlock what may have seemed like the locked doors of your life. Start to use them yourself and notice what happens.

Week 3: Receive your first coaching exercises

The Source Cards: coaching exercise

  • Get a simple set of life practices like brushing your teeth to clean and polish your soul on a daily basis. Gain Alexander's transformational coaching wisdom in an audio recording (and written format as well) that guides you through two coaching exercises, one for your Birth Card and one for your Personality Card. (Note: If you do the Guide Program for one card at a time, you will have one coaching exercise to do each week.)

  • Unique practices. Each coaching exercise is specific for that card to support you to play that card right in your life. Examples of coaching exercises include a guided meditation, a journalling exercise, verbal mantra to repeat, customized breathing exercise, directed physical exercise, detailed visualization practice, etc.

  • Take action. Do the exercises. Build the "spiritual" muscles you need.

Week 4: Receive your second set of coaching exercises

The Source Cards: coaching exercise

  • Know what you need to do and how to do it, so you're not tripping and falling on yourself. It's like tying your shoe laces. Once someone shows you how to do it and with a little practice, it becomes an easy, everyday life skill. Receive both coaching exercises in audio and written format for your Birth Card and Personality Card. (Or again, you'll receive only one coaching exercise if you do each Guide Program separately.)

  • Specific tools. Again, the coaching exercises vary card by card. These are card-specific tools and practices for each card that have, over the years, repeatedly proven to initiate profound inner transformation. 

  • Optimize your state of being. We've made it as simple as possible. But it's still up to you to do the inner-work.

Week 5: Consciously construct your life

The Source Cards: create your vision

  • Engage in a simple but profound self-discovery writing exercise to envision, write, and create the life that pours forth from the depths of your soul onto the canvas of your life.

  • Clinically proven. This final exercise is based upon a personality inventory exercise that has been proven in clinical studies to dramatically improve the overall outcomes of people's lives.
  • Create your life. It's your story. How does your story end?


With these Guide to Living Self-Study Programs, we intend to help you realize your highest and greatest potential in this lifetime.

This program took me into a depth of myself I had never gone to before.

Going through this program I started to feel myself more clearly. So, I started being nicer to myself.

I found that it gives me permission to be the highest version of myself. Where before I thought it was arrogant to think I might be able to do these things, this program takes away the self-questioning and gives me confirmation to trust myself.

Is this program practical? Ha! Everything about this program is practical! 

There's an expansiveness here, too... It's become a resource for me. I like knowing I have it and can go back to it. I find more in it each time.

~ Marybeth Armitage
Author, Coach, & Healer

"I've done a lot of different personal growth programs over the years, but buying this program has been one of my best investments by far.

I learned so much about myself, but the best part is how real the experience is. It's much more than just listening to recordings or reading words on a page.

When I did the first coaching exercise, for example, I had this profound experience of energy moving through my whole body. It was truly a magical moment in my life, the kind of moment when a light bulb pops, and you say to yourself: 'Yes! This is what I was searching for all this time! Why did I never think to do this before?'

I highly recommended these Guide programs for anyone who wants to get in touch with who they really are!!"

~ Marco Gunther

Independent Insurance Broker

Your Investment

The price for the Guide to Living Program for your Birth Card is

$65 paid in three monthly installments

$175 in a one-time payment

Once you purchase your Birth Card Program, you can purchase your Personality Card Program
 at a discounted rate...

$45 paid in three monthly installments

$125 in a one-time payment

Please note: the Guide to Living Program for your Personality Card is identical in structure and comparative content to the Guide to Living Program for your Birth Card. The reason we have discounted it is to give you the incentive to do it as well.

And we offer a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee on both programs.


Click Here To Purchase

Money Back Guarantee

We know these Guide to Living programs work.

And we also know that what we're promising here can sound too good to be true.

Or maybe you think that even if it worked for other people, "it won't work for me."

Again, we understand. 

It's why we stand behind these Guide to Living Programs with our 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

How The 90-Day Money Back Guarantee Works

These are 5-Week self-study programs, which means that if you do the program in five weeks, it will take you 35 days to complete the program.

So, to give you plenty of time to read through, absorb, integrate, and apply the material in your life, we give you a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If within 90 days of your purchase of your Guide to Living Program(s), you'd like to request your money back, simply click the link inside the Week 5 Module of the program to initiate your refund.

Once you do, we will ask you a few questions in a survey form to ensure that you actually did the program exercises.

Here, for example, is one of the questions we will ask you on the survey form: 

  1. How did you apply the First Key in your Life? Please give a specific example when you applied this Key to a decision you were making? What was the decision-point? What did you do specifically to utilize the Key in your decision-making?

If and only if you can write in answers to our questions, like this one, showing that you sincerely did the exercises in the program and even still, you did not experience any transformation in your life, we will give you a full refund.

Important Disclaimer

We do not guarantee miraculous results. And we are in no way suggesting that you should do these Guide programs instead of consulting with your primary care physician, therapist, or health care provider.

What we do guarantee is that if you apply the Keys and if you do the Coaching exercises, you will experience an inner transformation of enlightened self-awareness. The results you experience in your life from your inner transformation of enlightened self-awareness will vary and will be exactly what are right for you in your life.

"I'm so VERY impressed by the depth and life-changing power of The Guide to Living program!!

I've been on a conscious healing journey for many years and was initially concerned that it wouldn't go deep enough to be meaningful for me...

But it was an amazing experience to see how spot on the coaching exercises were to support me in my life.

This program validated what I’ve learned about myself so far and helped me connect the dots in a way I'd never seen before. 

I now use this program as an everyday-reference guide to support me in creating more grace and ease in my life."

~ Kathryn Taylor-Curtice

Retired Financial Advisor

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I know what cards are my Birth Card and my Personality Card?

You can look them up here on our home page.


2. Should I do the Guide Programs for my Birth Card and Personality Card separately or together?

It depends. Each one can be done separately. And each Guide is a lot to process. If you know you'll want time to process each Guide in depth, then perhaps do each Guide to Living Program separately.

However, if possible, we recommend you get them together and go through them at the same time.

The reason we recommend you do them together is that the Birth Card and the Personality Card function together in your life simultaneously. And because these two Cards play off each other, doing the Guide programs together will help you see how both cards play out together in your life.


3. How much time will I need to invest to do these Guide Programs? I'm concerned I won't be able to give them the time they really need.

You can get a lot out of these Guide to Living Programs with just a small investment of your time.

The reason why even a small investment of your time will make a big difference is that even from a cursory read and casual listen, you'll gain valuable gems of wisdom you can begin to integrate into your life. This small difference can gradually, over time, radically alter your personal trajectory in your life.

And anyway, because of the nature of this content, on the first pass through your Guide to Living Program, you may only be able to go to a certain depth of self-discovery with them anyway. That's OK. The Guide programs are deep wells of information that you can dive into deeper and deeper over time.

In fact, we recommend you take in what you can and return to these Guides at a later date. Once you purchase them, you have lifetime access to them.

We fully anticipate that you'll come back to these Guide programs again and again to utilize them as reference Guides for your whole life. So, the idea is to go through these Guides with the time you have, take in what you can, and then come back later to review them more in depth, time after time, as you grow and evolve.


4. If I wait to purchase the Guide Program for my Personality Card at a later date, can I still get the discount on it?

Yes. There's no time limit on the availability of that discount.


5. What's the difference between the Guide to Living Program for my Birth Card and my Personality Card -- why is the Guide program for my Personality Card less money?

There's no difference between the structure and comparative content of the Guide Programs. We've discounted the Guide Program for your Personality Card as an incentive to encourage you to do that program, too, because we know how important it is to play your Personality Card right.


6. What if my Birth Card and Personality Card are the same?

In that case, you only need to purchase one Guide Program for both. The same Guide to Living Program will serve double-duty to help you play both Cards right.


7. What's your refund policy?

See above. We offer a 90-Day Refund Policy.


8. Once I purchase, do I get all five weeks of content at once? And how do I receive it? Do you email it to me? 

No, you do not receive all five weeks of content at once.

Immediately upon purchase, you will receive a login email to login into our Source Card classroom portal where you can view your Week 1 content.

Then, your Week 2 content is automatically available to you in the classroom portal exactly one week after your purchase. And we also send you a reminder email that your next week of content is available. One week later, your Week 3 content is available to you, etc.

We set it up this way so that you have a full week to digest and process what you're receiving that week. And even still, many people tell us that they go back over the same content again and again to digest it and absorb it.


9. How much reading is there to do? I don't like reading on a computer screen. Can I print out the program instead?

The actual reading is minimal.

The main content is presented in a list of bullet points, with about nine or ten bullet points per page. Simple enough. But each bullet point invites you to see yourself clearly in the mirror and may thus invite lengthy self-reflection and self-inquiry.

And that’s the feedback people give us. They tell us that they go back over this bullet-point list many, many times to absorb it and take it in. They come to treat it like a reference guide for themselves in their life.

The coaching exercises, meanwhile, are available as recordings in addition to a written format, so you can listen to the coaching exercises if you prefer, rather than reading them.

Printing it out is not really an option (unless you use screenshots) because, as you’ll see, the content is embedded inside of Weekly Class Lessons. But, if you’re someone who does not like to read on a computer, please be assured that there is actually very little reading to do.


10. If I don't have a computer, can I still do this Guide to Living Program? Can I do it on my phone instead?

Yes, you can do this Guide Program on your phone or tablet device. The content fits on any screen size, and the recordings play on any device. So, you can access this guidance on multiple different devices.

And because this Guide is accessible on your phone, too, wherever you are in mobile coverage, you can pull out your phone, login, and review your On Your Game section to check to see if you're on your game!


11. What do you mean exactly when you say, "an inner-transformation of enlightened self-awareness?"

Ahh, grasshopper... it's true. Words can be clumsy signifiers. It can be ineffably challenging to verbally locate that which is unseeable by physical eyes.

In all earnestness, we tell you: you won't really know what we mean by that phrase until you experience it for yourself. When you do experience an opening of your consciousness that feels to you like you've become a more enlightened version of yourself... such that you now have brighter clarity about who you are and how to live your life, then you will know what we mean by the phrase "an inner-transformation of enlightened self-awareness."

And then, again, what you will discover in your life based upon that "an inner-transformation of enlightened self-awareness" will vary person to person. But whatever that looks like for you, it will be the soul-satisfying adventure of your life.

"This Guide program has become like a precious gift to me.

I find that I go back and consult it frequently.

As a result, I now have a better relationship with myself and a clearer understanding of how to apply my power to enhance my relationships, career, and life.

This program helped me so much that I purchased one for my husband too!"

~ LisaMarie Turk

PhD, Clinical Data Scientist

The Way To Purchase

It's a two-step process to purchase both Guides... one for your Birth Card and one for your Personality Card:

  1. First click below on your Birth Card. Then, complete the purchase on the next screen. The Guide to Living Program for your Birth Card is either...

         $65 paid in three monthly installments

         $175 in a one-time payment

  2. Immediately after, on the next page, select your Personality Card to purchase the Guide to Living Program for your Personality Card.

         $45 paid in three monthly installments

         $125 in a one-time payment

Click On The Card You Want To Purchase

Order your Guide to Living Self-Study Program

Ace of Hearts


Two of Hearts


Three of Hearts


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