Happy Birthday

January 12th


We're grateful you're here to play this game of life with us.

And we're excited you're here on our website. It's the fulfillment of our purpose to share this ancient Knowledge with you. So, thank you for participating in our joy!

Because you are born on the date of January 12th, it means you are born to play the 2 of Spades with a 10 of Clubs personality.

The 2 of Spades is the primary pattern of your life. It is like your Avatar. It's your entrance token to the game of your life.

The 10 of Clubs is the secondary pattern of your life. It reflects your outward personality and may rule your behavior.

Famous people born on January 12th

All of these people share your cards to play. Like you, they were born to play the 2 of Spades overlaid with a 10 of Clubs personality.

Notice the recurring themes in their lives.

John Winthrop

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

English Puritan lawyer, who was one of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; the second major settlement, after Plymouth Colony, in New England; he led the first large wave of colonizers and served as governor of the colony; his vision and his writings of the colony as a "city upon a hill" dominated New England colonial development, influencing the governments and religions of neighboring colonies and leaving a lasting legacy on American culture


Charles Perrault

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

French author and member of the French Academy who was a writer of fairy tales that he adapted from traditional folk tales; his tales, including Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Little Red Riding Hood were later re-written and adapted by the Brother's Grimm for their anthology


Swami Vivekananda

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

Indian Hindu monk and lecturer who travelled extensively and introduced Hinduism to the West at the Parliament of The World's Religions in Chicago in 1893; he is credited with advancing interfaith dialogue; he is also credited with raising national awareness inside of India, during a time of British colonial rule, for Indians to known their own religious heritage and ancient traditions

Hermann Göring

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

Nazi leader who was Hitler's designated 2nd in command and thus the 2nd most powerful man in Nazi Germany; he was a WW I ace fighter pilot and early member of the Nazi party; one of his first acts as a Nazi party leader was to create the Gestapo; he was also commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe, Germany's air force; from earlier injuries in his military career, he developed a morphine addiction, which lasted throughout his life; after WW II, he was convicted of war crimes, but committed suicide before his death sentence could be carried out


Luise Rainer

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

German-American film actress who was the first person ever to win back-to-back Oscars, two years in a row, for her acting performances; but she felt that nothing worse could have happened to her than winning two consecutive Oscars, as audience expectations from then on would be too high to fulfill; she became despondent and just one year later, left Hollywood altogether


P. W. Botha

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

President of South Africa nicknamed "The Great Crocodile;" he was one of the most notorious leaders and proponents of South Africa's apartheid system of white minority rule which his government enforced by the repression of all dissent; after he left office in 1989, he was still a vocal proponent of white minority rule and denounced the release of Nelson Mandela and then actively opposed Mandela's new government

Maharishi Yogi

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

Indian guru who was the founder of the Transcendental Meditation Technique which attracted a worldwide following and celebrity disciples from the West including The Beatles and The Beach Boys; because of his frequent laughter during television interviews, he was sometimes called "the giggling guru;" during his lifetime, he created many non-profit charities and also for-profit initiatives; as of 2008, the reported value of the assets his organization held in the United States was about $300 million


Tim Horton

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

Canadian hockey great who was also a successful businessman, co-founding the Tim Horton's fast-food restaurant chain, which is Canada's largest quick-service restaurant chain, with 4,846 restaurants in 14 countries; he died in a car crash at the age of 44

Joe Frazier

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

Heavyweight boxing champion considered to be one of the all-time greats; he was nicknamed "Smokin' Joe" and was known for his relentless pressure fighting style that wore down his opponents; following his retirement, he made many cameo appearances in films and TV shows


Haruki Murakami

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

Japanese novelist whose books have been translated into more than 50 languages and who is considered one of the world's greatest living novelists; he is the recipient of many literary prizes; he is known to be a loner because he "was never fond of groups, schools, and literary circles;" the recurring themes of his books are alienation and loneliness and his main characters typically value freedom and solitude over intimacy

Rush Limbaugh

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

American radio personality and conservative political commentator, who at his peak, had a weekly audience of more than 15 million listeners, which made his show the most listened-to radio show in the United States; he was a controversial and polarizing figure; he was beloved by Republicans and loathed by Democrats; he was known for his prescription drug addiction


Howard Stern

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

American radio personality known for his controversial, "shock-jock" style; in the 1980s, his show was the most popular in America, attracting 20 million viewers per show; he has won numerous industry awards and has the distinction of being the radio host who has been fined the most ($2.5 million) by the FCC for indecent content; in 2004, he signed a five-year $500 million deal to join Sirius radio; he has been a judge on the TV Show "America's Got Talent" and two of his books have been NY Times bestsellers; he is not shy about describing himself as the "King of All Media"


Jeff Bezos

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

CEO of Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, which he founded with the help of his wife; he is the first person in history to have a net worth that exceeds $200 billion; he has numerous other investments and is the owner of the newspaper The Washington Post; he is known for his adversarial management style and for enforcing a two-pizza rule -- that his meetings are small enough so that two pizzas can feed everyone in the room


Heather Mills

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

British model who after losing a limb in a car crash, continued to model with a prosthetic limb; she then married Paul McCartney which gained her more fame; now divorced, she is a public figure as an animal rights activist


Melanie C

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

British pop star who started her career with the girl group "The Spice Girls;" she has co-written 11 UK number ones, more than any other female artist in chart history and has, altogether in the group and as a solo artist, sold more than 100 million albums in her career


Zain Malik

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

British pop star who started his career as a member of the boy band "One Direction" before embarking on a solo career; his first solo album debuted at No. 1 in the US where he became the 1st British solo artist to go to the top of the charts with his debut album



Your Name Goes Here

Born to play the 2 of Spades / 10 of Clubs

What will it look like for you to play your cards right? What will you be remembered for?

Click here for guidance and support to live your best life.