Two of Hearts 

2 of Hearts - Destiny Card

Two of Hearts

Playing the game of a Two you carry the energy of synergy, balance, harmony, and partnership. 

Playing the game of a heart you bring this energy to all experiences of the heart: emotions, love, and relationships. 

It means that your game in life is to forge heartfelt connections that bring people together.  Yours is the emotional intelligence to facilitate harmonious interpersonal dynamics.

How To Read This Page

Above in the banner images, the left side image (top image if you're viewing it on a phone) is a visual expression of when you may be Off Your Game.

The right side banner image (bottom image on your phone) is a visual representation of what's possible for you when you're On Your Game.

And below is an introductory list of experiences you may have in four important areas of your life when you are either...

  • On Your Game -- expressing it positively in your life
  • Off Your Game -- expressing it negatively in your life

2 of Hearts - Empathy

Two of Hearts: Personal Patterns

  • Lovely and charming; friendly and welcoming
  • Engaging others easily and easily making connections 
  • Overwhelming others with your emotional intensity and in-your-face passion
  • Bossy, controlling, and even bullying; expecting others to do as you say
  • The presence or the absence of a father-figure looms large over your mindset
  • An unsettled, restless, mindset disturbs your personal peace
  • A natural empathy and emotional intelligence smooths all your interactions
  • And much more...
2 of Hearts - Fiercely Devoted

Two of Hearts: Relationship Patterns

  • Yummy, delicious, oozy sensuality and intimacy
  • Fiercely committed to your beloved, loyal, and true
  • Overly idealistic, romance-novel expectations lead to disappointment and boredom
  • A distracted, restless mindset conflicts with your co-dependent emotional tendencies
  • Romantic relationships become emotional entanglements that feel restrictive and suffocating
  • An actual relationship just seems to difficult and too fraught to even bother
  • A healthy balance of shared communion and personal independence
  • And much more...
2 of Hearts: Leverage Clever Ideas

Two of Hearts: Career Patterns

  • Benefiting from your people skills to easily magnetize business relationships
  • A natural instinct to manage money and keep finances well-organized
  • Slipping into co-dependent business alliances with blurred ethical boundaries
  • "Taking one for the team;" sacrificing your time and energy for your team's success
  • Feeling over-worked and unappreciated and seething in quiet resentment
  • Getting stuck in a static, monotonous, career rut
  • Leveraging your clever ideas to unify people together for successful projects
  • And much more...
2 of Hearts - Destiny Card - unintegrated

Two of Hearts: Health & Wellbeing Patterns

  • Enjoying a light, heartfelt, and passionate approach to life 
  • Benefiting from good structure and established routines
  • Unintegrated and unhealed emotional fragments create friction and anxiety
  • Sudden ruptures and surprising breakdowns shake you down to your core values
  • Irrational fears about financial stability or financial debts upset your wellbeing
  • Other peoples' drama, worries, and upsets weigh heavily on your heart
  • Cultivating harmony in your own heart; doing what makes your heart happy
  • And much more...

It's All In The Cards!  

Was that mind-blowing or what?

Maybe a little confronting?

And totally amazing?


If what you just read about yourself didn’t fully resonate, try this: ask someone who knows you well to read the above list and see if they think it accurately portrays you.

And... would you believe this is just the beginning of what The Source Cards reveal about your life?

Next Steps To Play Your Cards Right

The wise person knows the Self and plays the game of life. But the fool lives in the world like a beast of burden.

~ Ashtavakra Gita (4:1)