You have a Life Path of 13+ Cards for your whole life.

And... based on mathematical principles, you're dealt new cards for

- each year
- every 52 Days
- and every, single day of your life!

Are you...

At a cross-roads?

Going through some big changes?

Wondering why something's happening right now?

Unsure of what decision you need to make?


Questioning which path you should take next?

Gain Soul-Satisfying Clarity

1. For your year, you have a Source Card that indicates the theme of your year. This Card reveals the overall picture of your year, the important lessons, and growth opportunities for you this year.

2. During your year, you move through seven 52-Day planetary cycles, and you have a Source Card that reveals the meaning of each planetary cycle. Learn this Card and you'll clarify exactly what's necessary for you to do right now.

3. Each and every day, you have a personal Source Card that reveals the patterns of your day. Discover the meaning of today's Card and you'll gain the awareness to create your best outcome today!

Find out what's in the cards for you!

Once you know, suddenly you have the power.