Happy Birthday

April 17th


We're grateful you're here to play this game of life with us.

And we're excited you're here on our website. It's the fulfillment of our purpose to share this ancient Knowledge with you. So, thank you for participating in our joy!

Because you are born on the date of April 17th, it means you are born to play the 4 of Diamonds with a 6 of Clubs personality.

The 4 of Diamonds is the primary pattern of your life. It is like your Avatar. It's your entrance token to the game of your life.

The 6 of Clubs is the secondary pattern of your life. It reflects your outward personality and may rule your behavior.

Famous people born on April 17th

All of these people share your cards to play. Like you, they were born to play the 4 of Diamonds overlaid with a 6 of Clubs personality.

Notice the recurring themes in their lives.


Marguerite Bourgeoys

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

The first Canadian to be canonized as Roman Catholic saint; she founded the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal in the colony of New France



Alexander Cartwright

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

An avid "bat and ball" and "town ball" player on the streets of New York City, he established one of the first baseball clubs and is now considered the official founder of modern-day baseball; he directed the drafting and resolution of the game's first formal rulebook, including: the way teams record an out, the diamond-shaped layout of the field, and the designation of fair and foul areas; he travelled to California to seek his fortune during the Gold Rush but had little luck finding gold; during his travels, however, he promoted the game of baseball and thus helped to spread the game of baseball throughout America


J.P. Morgan

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

Often described as America's greatest banker, he transformed American business with his emphasis on efficiency and modernization; he was a major player and force for resolution during the 1907 Banking Crisis, famously locking bankers in his library one night to force them to come to an agreement; when he died, his net worth was revealed to be quite small compared to his outsized influence

Sirimavo Bandaranaike

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

The world's first female head of state; she broke new ground when she served as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka from 1960 to 1965


Harry Reasoner

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

American journalist and news anchor who co-founded the long-running TV show 60 Minutes; which has become an esteemed journalistic institution



Kerry Wendell Thornley

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

American counter-cultural and anarchist thinker of the 1960s who founded Discordianism which is a parody religion that worships the Goddess; also wrote the underground newspaper Zenarchy, which was based on the premise of a social order that springs from meditation


Adam McKay

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

American film director, producer, screenwriter, and comedian known for writing and directing films like The Big Short about the financial crisis and housing bubble collapse of 2008 and Vice about the political activity of former Vice-President Dick Cheney


Alla Perfilova

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

Russian singer and fashion model better known by her stage name Valeriya


Jennifer Garner

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

American actress known for her role as a CIA agent


Victoria Beckham

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

Came to fame as one of the "Spice Girls;" starred in various reality TV dramas; is now a recognized style icon and fashion designer


Rooney Mara

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

Came to fame as one of the "Spice Girls;" starred in various reality TV dramas; is now a recognized style icon and fashion designer


Your Name Goes Here

Born to play the 4 of Diamonds / 6 of Clubs

What will it look like for you to play your cards right? What will you be remembered for?

Click here for guidance and support to live your best life.