2 of Clubs 

2 of Clubs Cartomancy

Two of Clubs

Playing the game of a Two you carry the energy of synergy, balance, cooperation, and partnership.

Playing the game of a Club you bring this energy to all aspects of the mind: ideas, intuition, communication, and mental pursuits like science and logic.

It means that your game in life is to forge mental synergy that unifies our thinking. Yours is the gift to ensure effective communication and facilitate cooperative dynamics.

How To Read This Page

Above in the banner images, the left side image (top image if you're viewing it on a phone) is a visual expression of when you may be Off Your Game.

The right side banner image (bottom image on your phone) is a visual representation of what's possible for you when you're On Your Game.

And below is an introductory list of experiences you may have in four important areas of your life when you are either...

  • On Your Game -- expressing it positively in your life
  • Off Your Game -- expressing it negatively in your life

2 of Clubs: Witty & Charming

2 of Clubs: Personal Patterns

  • Witty and charming; a great communicator and conversationalist
  • Nurturing and supportive of the people in your life
  • Gossiping; seeking connection with others through unsavory tidbits of information
  • Completely unaware of and disconnected from your own psychic abilities
  • Fearful of anything you can't rationally explain or logically understand
  • Internally torn between a desire for connection and a need for alone-time
  • Boldly articulating the truth; making conscious what is otherwise unconscious
  • And much more...
Two of Clubs: push-pull, controlling dynamic

2 of Clubs: Relationship Patterns

  • Pro-actively constructing meaningful one-on-one connections
  • A profound psychological understanding of what makes people tick and what people really need
  • Bossy, argumentative, and opinionated, aggressively insisting on your own point of view
  • Over-giving for the sake of the partnership, compromising yourself, and getting resentful
  • Operating with a push-pull, controlling dynamic, wanting connection and yet wanting it only on your own terms
  • Emotional demands and expectations can explode in flashes of self-righteous anger
  • Speaking with heartfelt leadership to bring out the best in the relationship
  • And much more...
2 of Clubs: Strong work ethic

2 of Clubs: Career Patterns

  • A great work ethic; enjoying your hard work as a pathway of personal growth
  • A great advisor and consultant with brilliant answers to almost any problem
  • Inertia may plague you; you may stay stuck for reasons you can't understand
  • Suffering from an inner struggle: afraid of your own ambitions and dreams
  • Holding yourself back because of irrational fears and insecurities
  • Resentful and bitter because you think the team's success is entirely up to you
  • Realizing that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and working towards that reality
  • And much more...
Ball & Chain: Fear

2 of Clubs: Health & Wellbeing Patterns

  • A mind-body experience that is unified and coherent; a healthy balance of work and play
  • Able to intuitively know what's causing you dis-ease and easily able to realign yourself
  • A negative, condescending mindset negatively impacts your own wellbeing
  • For the sake of the "team" or the "partnership," over-working yourself to the point of personal burn-out
  • The split between a desire for connection and a desire for alone time causes a split in your psyche
  • Unaware that the physical symptoms in your body are a result of your own psychic fears
  • Attuned to your own dreams as a way to receive lucid guidance
  • And much more...

It's All In The Cards!  

Was that mind-blowing or what?

Maybe a little confronting?

And totally amazing?


If what you just read about yourself didn’t fully resonate, try this: ask someone who knows you well to read the above list and see if they think it accurately portrays you.

And... would you believe this is just the beginning of what The Source Cards reveal about your life?

You Have Source Cards in Play Right Now!

Your Birth Card and Personality Card are the two primary patterns in play for your entire life.

And based on math, you're dealt new cards that show you what's happening in your life right now and provide you with specific guidance... 

1. For Your Year: You have a Source Card that indicates the theme of your year. This Card reveals the overall picture of your year, the important lessons, and growth opportunities for you this year.

2. For Your 52-Day Planetary Cycle: You have a Source Card that reveals the meaning of each 52-Day planetary cycle. Learn this Card and you'll clarify exactly what's best for you to do right now.

3. Each And Every Day: You have a personal Source Card that reveals the patterns of your day. Discover the meaning of today's Card and you'll gain the awareness to create your best outcome today!

Are You At A Crossroads In Your Life?

Instead of wondering, worrying, and overthinking it, find out what's in the cards for you!

Make a bold decision today

Next Steps To Play Your Cards Right

The wise person knows the Self and plays the game of life. But the fool lives in the world like a beast of burden.

~ Ashtavakra Gita (4:1)