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For Your Soul Expression Cards
Your Soul Challenge Card
The Soul Challenge Card represents your biggest challenge in life.
If you are unsure what card(s) are your Soul Challenge Card(s) please consult Alexander's book.
- The Soul Challenge Card for your Birth Card represents the biggest obstacle you face to playing your Birth Card right.
- The Soul Challenge Card for your Personality Card represents the biggest obstacle you face to playing your Personality Card right.
In either case, there is a way to successfully face this challenge and overcome it!
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Soul Challenge Card(s), then...
- The Off Your Game section reveals the characteristic attributes that may recur in your life as challenging, frustrating, loathsome, and depressing. You may be blaming yourself and blaming Life for why you experience these things. You may even be blaming others too. The benefit of seeing this list is to realize that these are your own recurring experiences. When you realize that these are your own experiences, you can begin to take full personal responsibility for the occurrence of these experiences in your life. That mindset can fundamentally change your relationship to these experiences. It means that, for example:
a) You can no longer play the victim card and claim that others have caused you to have these experiences.
b) You can set yourself free from self-judgement. Why? Because you can begin to realize that you haven't done anything wrong that these are the recurring experiences in your life. It's in the cards for you that precisely these experiences represent the biggest challenge for you to overcome in your life.
These twin realizations will hopefully, suddenly give you the power to face this challenge well and thus choose a different outcome in your life, one indicated by the expressions in the On Your Game section of this card.
- The On Your Game section reveals what you may be yearning to experience in your life, but which you may believe is out of reach and impossible to attain. In fact, it's only impossible to attain so long as you disown and disassociate yourself from the negative experiences of the card. By disowning the negative aspects of the card, you also disown the possibility of experiencing the positive aspects of the Soul Challenge Card. Only by acceptance of the negatives do you open the doorway to realize the positives.
- The Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will show you exactly how to face this big challenge in your life and exactly how to overcome it.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Soul Challenge Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Soul Gift Card
The Soul Gift Card reveals your hidden talent that empowers you to play your card right.
If you are unsure what card(s) are your Soul Gift Card(s) please consult Alexander's book.
- The Soul Gift Card for your Birth Card represents the energy of Life that comes to you freely as a gift of grace. This gift, which is an innate and often hidden talent, is the supportive wind beneath your wings that gives you the energy you need to play your Birth Card right.
- The same holds true for the Soul Gift Card for your Personality Card. It's the hidden, supportive energy that empowers you to play your Personality Card right.
Most people, unfortunately, are not even aware of these hidden talents. And without conscious awareness of them, they have no access to them. As a result, they don't utilize these buried talents that would empower their success in life. As a result, they may struggle and sputter in life, lacking the energy they need to move forward, and not even knowing why they can't seem to succeed in life.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Soul Gift Card(s), then...
- The On Your Game section reveals the characteristic attributes of this gift that is freely given to you as a gift of grace. These are the attributes that you may not recognize in yourself as innate talents. Worse, these are likely qualities which others may have shamed you for and/or are qualities that no-one ever acknowledged, validated, or nurtured in you. As a result, you may have no connection to these positive qualities in your awareness and worse, you may have even tried to disown and reject these very qualities within yourself. And yet, these are the positive qualities that will propel you forward to happiness and success in your life. So, reading this list will help you to consciously recognize and activate these qualities in your life.
- The Off Your Game section reveals the consequences you may experience in your life if you haven't consciously recognized and accepted the positive qualities of these innate gifts. In other words, because you may have been pushing the positive qualities away, what you experience instead are the negative qualities. Nature abhors a vacuum! Meaning, if you don't accept and receive the positive qualities of the Soul Gift Card, then there is an empty space in your life, which must be filled with something -- it will be filled with the negative qualities of this same card!
- The Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will show you exactly how to consciously receive and activate this overall gift in your life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Soul Gift Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Soul Twin Card
The Soul Twin Card is a hidden talent and your greatest challenge, all in one.
To learn if you have a Soul Twin Card for either your Birth Card or Personality Card please consult Alexander's book.
The Soul Twin Card is a card that functions like both the Soul Challenge Card and the Soul Gift Card simultaneously. There is a revolving door of energy exchanged. Sometimes it shows up as a challenge. Other times, it shows up as a gift.
So, when you read this Guide to Living program for your Soul Twin Card, then...
- The On Your Game section reveals the characteristic attributes that are freely given to you as a gift of grace. These are innate gifts and talents that you have, but which you probably don't fully realize that you have. Worse, these very gifts and talents are likely qualities which others may have shamed you for and/or are qualities that no-one ever acknowledged, validated, or nurtured in you. As a result, you may have no connection to these gifts in your awareness and worse, you may have even tried to disown and reject these very qualities within yourself. And yet, these gifts and talents are the "wind beneath your wings" that will propel you forward to happiness and success in your life. So, reading this list will help you to consciously recognize and activate these qualities in your life.
- The Off Your Game section reveals the characteristic attributes that may recur in your life as challenging, frustrating, loathsome, and depressing. You may be blaming yourself and blaming Life for why you experience these things. You may even be blaming others too. The benefit of seeing this list is to realize that these are your own recurring experiences. When you realize that these are your own experiences, you can begin to take full personal responsibility for the occurrence of these experiences in your life. That mindset can fundamentally change your relationship to these experiences. It means that, for example:
a) You can no longer play the victim card and claim that others have caused you to have these experiences.
b) You can set yourself free from self-judgement. Why? Because you can begin to realize that you haven't done anything wrong that these are the recurring experiences in your life. It's in the cards for you that precisely these experiences represent the biggest challenge for you to overcome in your life.
These twin realizations will hopefully, suddenly give you the power to face this challenge well and thus choose a different outcome in your life, one indicated by the expressions in the On Your Game section of this card.
- The Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will show you exactly how to consciously receive and activate the gift aspect of this card in your life. They will also show you exactly how to face and overcome the challenging aspect of this card in your life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Soul Twin Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
The Soul Trinity Card: We don't currently recommend a Guide to Living program for these cards.
- To know whether or not your Birth Card or Personality Card are part of the Soul Trinity, please consult Alexander's book.
For Other Cards in Your Life Path
Note: Your Personality Card has a dual role, as your social persona and as one of your Life Path Cards.
It means there's no need to re-order a Guide to Living program for the Life Path Card that is also your Personality Card. Instead, simply re-do the same Guide to Living program for your Personality Card from the perspective of how that card also functions as one of your Life Path Cards. See below for guidance on how to utilize this program from the perspective of each card in your Life Path.
If you're not sure which one of your Life Path Cards is your Personality Card, please consult Alexander's book.
Your Moon Card
The Moon Card reveals the energy pattern that supports you and nurtures you on your life's journey.
If you are unsure what card is your Moon Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Moon Card, then...
- The positive character attributes in the On Your Game section are qualities for you to consciously focus on receiving into your experience. Most people ignore and/or refuse to accept these supportive energies. As a result, they feel like they are lacking something and that they are unsupported in life. So, the benefit of reading this list is to see exactly what qualities nurture you on your life's journey, so you can consciously activate these qualities within yourself and in your life experience.
- Ironically, the negative character attributes in the Off Your Game section may be ways that you unconsciously feed off your own negativity and the negativity of others. You may utilize the negative energy as fuel to support unhealthy patterns in your life. So, the benefit of reading this list when you are Off Your Game is to identify the ways that you may be unconsciously cultivating negative energy patterns in your life.
- The Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will show you how to bring more positive and nurturing energy into your life, so that your life is more effortless and more satisfying.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Moon Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Mercury Card
The Mercury Card symbolizes the way you think, how you communicate, and the mental formation from your childhood experiences.
If you are unsure what card is your Mercury Card, please consult Alexander's book.
The Mercury Card reflects your mindset. Your mindset, in all probability, was shaped by your early childhood experiences of reality. Meaning: your impressions of reality at a tender, early age are what shaped the mental representation you now have of reality. This mental representation is indicated by your Mercury Card. In other words, we can pinpoint, using your Mercury Card, exactly what the mental themes were of your childhood experiences that shaped the way you think about your life.
So, the Guide to Living program for your Mercury Card will help you to bring conscious awareness to thought patterns that may have become ingrained, automatic and unconscious assumptions you make about yourself and your life.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Mercury Card, then...
- Both the On Your Game and Off Your Game sections reveal the contents of your mind, how you think, how you communicate, and what it is you like to talk about. These qualities, both positive and negative, are qualities you may recognize from your childhood experiences. They may also be the instructions you absorbed from your parents and society about how life works and how you "should" live your life. So, the benefit of reading these lists is like the profound benefit of a deep psychotherapy session where you uncover the unconscious thought patterns of your life that were formed in your childhood.
- The Three Keys to play this card right will thus clarify what is, in fact, the right mindset for you to hold in your life that will, in fact, put you on the right pathway to success and abundance in your life.
- The Two Coaching Exercises will help you to activate the right mindset in your day-to-day decision-making, so that you have clear thinking and beneficial communication in your life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Mercury Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Venus Card
The Venus Card reveals what you desire, which is your inner compass in life; in romantic relationships, this pattern is what you desire of the feminine and/or how you express your feminine side.
If you are unsure what card is your Venus Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Venus Card, then...
- The On Your Game section reflects your inner-compass, the ways you like to receive life, what feels good to you, and how you align yourself to the meaning of your life. So, the benefit of reading this list is to become consciously aware of these feel-good, self-aligning qualities. Your conscious awareness is what activates them in your life.
- The Off Your Game section reflects what happens to you when you've lost your way in life, when your life is out of alignment.
- And in romantic relationships, if you self-identify as "feminine" then the On Your Game and Off Your Game sections reflect the ways, positively and negatively, that you show up in a romantic relationship.
- Or, in romantic relationships, if you self-identify as "masculine" then the On Your Game and Off Your Game sections reflect your expectations and desires, positively and negatively, of your "feminine" romantic partner.
- In both cases of self-identification as either "feminine" or "masculine" or some combination of both gender polarities, the Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will support you to be more inwardly-aligned to what makes you feel good -- both personally and in relationships -- and will support you to effectively express and experience the feminine energy of life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Venus Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Mars Card
The Mars Card reveals how you go after your goals in life and how you structure your life; in romantic relationships, this pattern is what you desire of the masculine and/or how you express your masculine side.
If you are unsure what card is your Mars Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Mars Card, then...
- The On Your Game section reveals the qualities within you that, once activated, offer you the smoothest and most direct route to the realization of your life's goals. These also reveal the best way for you to structure your existence for optimal performance. So, the benefit of reading this list is to become consciously aware of the qualities that will most easily and effortlessly activate your goals in life.
- The Off Your Game section reveals the negative patterns that may limit you even as you try to utilize them as the strategy to pursue your goals. These negative patterns reveal how you may box yourself in and confine yourself to a mediocre outcome. So, the benefit of reading this list is to become consciously aware of the ways you may inadvertently limit your own success.
- And in romantic relationships, if you self-identify as "masculine" then the On Your Game and Off Your Game sections reflect the ways, positively and negatively, that you show up in a romantic relationship.
- Or, in romantic relationships, if you self-identify as "feminine" then the On Your Game and Off Your Game sections reflect your expectations and desires, positively and negatively, of your "masculine" romantic partner.
- In both cases of self-identification as either "feminine" or "masculine" or some combination of both gender polarities, the Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will support you to structure your life, realize your goals, and effectively express and experience the masculine energy of life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Mars Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Jupiter Card
The Jupiter Card is the energy pattern that expands you and brings you abundance in your life: this includes financial abundance.
If you are unsure what card is your Jupiter Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Jupiter Card, then...
- The On Your Game section shows you the characteristic attributes that, as you develop them, will bring you more expansion and abundance in your life. So, the benefit of reading this list is to become consciously aware of these qualities within yourself and consciously activate them in your life.
- The negative character attributes in the Off Your Game section show you ways that you may get full of yourself and/or "ahead of yourself." Your ego may get over-inflated with these negative qualities.
- The Three Keys to play this card right will show you how to consciously create more personal expansion and financial abundance in your life.
- The Two Coaching Exercises will give you concrete practice steps to activate the power of your Jupiter Card.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Jupiter Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Saturn Card
The Saturn Card indicates the life lesson you must learn in order to find health and well-being in your life.
If you are unsure what card is your Saturn Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Saturn Card, then...
- The Off Your Game section shows you the characteristic attributes that may recur regularly and painfully in your life experience. The benefit of reading this list is to become consciously aware of the things you do that cause dis-harmony and dis-ease in your life. It may be particularly shocking and unpleasant to read this list as it will confront you with behavior so unpleasant you may have previously tried to avoid even acknowledging it.
- The On Your Game section reveals what you may secretly know is the right thing for you to do for your health and well-being, but which you may find burdensome, tiring, or difficult to do. You may hate it. You know it, but you may resist doing it. You may do anything you can to not have to do it. So, the benefit of reading this list is to show you exactly what you must do to bring health and well-being into your life.
- The Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will give you a prescription for health and well-being in your life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Saturn Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Uranus Card
The Uranus Card shows you how you ground your energy in life; it also reveals the ways in which you may be unexpectedly grounded by life.
If you are unsure what card is your Uranus Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Uranus Card, then...
- The On Your Game section reveals deep qualities you possess that may surprise you to learn you possess them. And reading these qualities will give you access to a deep confidence and courage that will help you successfully pivot your life towards success. And because the Uranus Card follows the Saturn Card in the progression of your Life Path, the positive qualities of your Uranus Card will help you to rise above the challenges you face with your Saturn card.
- The Off Your Game section reveals the ways you may get suddenly and surprisingly tripped up in life. These are the things that happen to you -- or appear to "happen" to you -- that make you lose confidence in yourself. They are also the qualities you may express when you feel knocked down by life.
- The Three Keys to play this card right and the Two Coaching Exercises will give you a clear pathway and practice to become confidently grounded in your sense of self.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Uranus Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Neptune Card
The Neptune Card is a superpower you possess, but unfortunately, it may be cloaked in illusion or delusion, and thus you may not know how to access and utilize this superpower.
If you are unsure what card is your Neptune Card, please consult Alexander's book.
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Neptune Card, then...
- The On Your Game section shows you what you fantasize about realizing or achieving in your life. But, you may get lost in dreamy fantasies about the realization of this wonderfully imagined reality. And yet, in fact, you do have the power to realize the positive characteristic attributes of this card. But to do so, you must strip away all the delusions, illusions, judgments, and negative connotations you hold about these very same positive character attributes.
- The negative character attributes in the Off Your Game section show you what you fear will happen (in your own illusion), if you were to play out the positive attributes of this card. These negative qualities -- that you imagine you will act out -- may be your excuse as to why you can't or won't express this card positively in your life. And they may be qualities that you dislike in other people too, which again, you project as reasons why you don't want to engage in the same behavior.
- The Three Keys to play this card right will clarify exactly how to cut through the fog of your illusions and delusions so that you can play this card right.
- The Two Coaching Exercises will show you how to consciously activate this superpower in your life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Neptune Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
Your Pluto Card
The Pluto Card represents your deepest, darkest, most irrational fear, a shadow cast over your life, and the ladder of transcendence upon which you elevate your life.
If you are unsure what card is your Pluto Card, please consult Alexander's book.
In our experience, the Pluto Card may well be the third most important card in your Life Path, after your Birth Card and Personality Card.
The Pluto Card reveals your underworld. In psychoanalytic terms, it's the unconscious, irrational side of you that may overpower your conscious will and sabotage all your conscious efforts. And you may try to avoid stepping down into your own underworld at all costs. And yet, as Joseph Campbell intoned: "the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek."
When you read the Guide to Living program for your Pluto Card, then...
- The Off Your Game section reveals the patterns of behavior you exhibit as a result of avoiding your own shadow work. These are the characteristic attributes you display because you have not yet climbed down the ladder into your own darkness to shine a light of consciousness in your own most fearful places. And yet, you may not be consciously aware that you are exhibiting these negative qualities. So because you may have been in denial, reading this list may be shockingly confrontational to you. But it's good medicine for your soul.
- The On Your Game section reveals behavior that may ooze out of you in your best moments. It may be qualities that you recognize within yourself but that you also struggle to consciously and consistently manifest in your life. This list of characteristic attributes represents behavior you may long to express in your life. In fact, these are qualities you can expect to experience as you do up-level your life, transcend your fears, and step up into the full radiance of who you are.
- The Three Keys to play this card right will clarify exactly how to step up to the next level of your life.
- The Two Coaching Exercises will show you how to consciously activate the inner-transformation that will bring you personal transcendence in your life.
If you have already purchased one Guide to Living Program, the price to purchase The Guide to Living Program for Your Pluto Card is $45 paid in three monthly installments or a one-time payment of $125
We do not currently recommend a Guide to Living program for the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th cards in your Life Path.